dreams - realities

1. render.png2. render.png3. render.png4. render.png

1 love
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    I couldn't fully reflect what was on my mind. I proceeded with trial and error in colors, lights and shadows. As I completed my training, my belief that I would do better work increased.

    1 love
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    Nice improvement, surely making progress. A bit dark in some places still, but that'll come in time. Keep it up :)

    2 loves
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Bloody good on ya for not giving up on it!  🤘🤠🤘

    2 loves
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied
    Thank you very much
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Looking great Ahmet!

    Just your glasses seem wrong; Here's more or less what I'd expect, refraction-wise:


    I suspect it's a modeling issue...

    2 loves
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied

    Geri bildiriminiz için teşekkürler Martin. Sorunu tekrar inceleyip çözeceğim.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Your scene is getting there, it has the foundations, it totally reads like a pizza place where people go to have a bit of fun and taste delicious food. You got the kitchen, the tables and the cash register. It's great progress, you're saving the Blender Fairies. 

    2 loves
  • Ahmet Yavuz(exipartion) replied
    e I feel progress with every step I take. Your comment made me very happy, thank you Omar.
    • 👌
    1 love