Locked transforms still records them as keyframes in graph editor?


While I followed along in the tutorial, I noticed that the first 3 shapes are having all transforms recorded even though all the transforms except X Location are locked in the top right menu. I tried looking if it's something to do with my version (v3.3.0) but it seems it shouldn't be doing that. It's not a huge issue but I wanted to ask because I was unsure why this was happening.

The image here has the red square selected. As you can see, all the transforms are yellow which if I recall correctly, means they've been recorded.

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  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi violetcrystal,
    There's a few reasons this might happen but it is most likely the keying set that you are using.
    If you key the Loc,Rot,Scale  Blender will ignore any locks and keyframe what you told it to.
    Then if you use the 'Available', it will keyframe all channels that have animation data on them (locked or not)

    I can't remember off the top of my head how I set the first keyframe in the tutorial but it may have been with the "Whole Character (selected bones only)"
    And then switched to "Available".

    It doesn't truly matter which way I did it - the process is the important thing.
    Step 1 - add a keyframe to the channels you want to animate.
    Step 2 - remove any unwanted channels. (only if applicable)
    Step 3 - Animate with 'Available' 

    Hope that helps.

    2 loves