Booleans and mesh clean up question

Hey all,

So I'm working on a Gameboy project for myself. Just trying to see if I'm retaining the bulk of what I've learned in the last 6 months or not. Anyway.

Let me explain what I've done here first. So with the cuts on the back I just made the shape and ran it through the whole back of the console. Then added an array for the 13 cuts (odd that its 13 being how superstitious Japan can be). Booled the cuts, I then duplicated the whole console and removed the boolean from it, shrunk it inside to fill the ribs.

Is this going to give me a ton of problems? I figured this would likely be faster than trying to fill each rib on the back.

I just don't want to get too far in and discover I've screwed something up and I'll just be better off restarting than trying to fix something.

024-06-05 133258.png024-06-05 133319.png024-06-05 133403.png

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    There is a shading artefact where you have that long triangle above the cuts ridges, but it's ok, I know it's a work in progress. I mean yeah, it's a boolean workflow, you can use it, it's not like it's going to cause troubles by default, you just have to keep on eye on your mesh because it's 3D and Blender, anything can cause trouble and you have to spend time troubleshooting. But you can model using any approach you want. Just keep your eye on how the loops are flowing, how the shapes are holding up, double vertices, interior faces, etc, etc, business as usual. 

    2 loves
  • Blaine Jensen(Theebline) replied

    Thanks Omar! I ended up going back to one of my previous versions and did the booleans in a different order. It cleaned up the back cart slot and a few other areas. Full steam ahead now!

    Thanks again!

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    One thing I would add, I wouldn't apply the Boolean modifier, or any modifier, unless it is absolutely necessary.
    Once it is finished and I needed to export the model to a game engine for example, but I would do that in the export options for the export model only.

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