Not Smooth

posted to: Shaping the Face

I used the same settings for the Dyntopo (7px) relative detail however im not sure why it looks like this compared to yours

1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied
    When it comes to sculpting, getting the same result as what's on screen it's a challenge, it's not your usual button smashing. Possibly you have the screen distance from your shark not the same as Kent, remember it's relative detail, so it depends on how far or close you are to the model.
    2 loves
  • Sachin Tartamellla(Sachuration) replied

    Would sticking to constant detail lead to a better result for this in particular? 

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah try it out, see if that helps you. That way the detail will be constant and when you want more detail you just set it so. Experiment and practice and you'll arrive at a workflow you are comfortable with.

    1 love
  • Kent Trammell replied

    Omar is right, don't be afraid to experiment SSachuration. Over the years I've found that relative detail size can seem to behave slightly differently as Blender develops. Years ago 10px used to be my standard starting value. Then I started noticing 7 feeling like 10 used to feel.

    So if you're finding that 5 on your screen feels like 7 in the video, it's more than fine to go with your 5.