Reference image creation discussion

This is a really helpful tutorial for a beginner and refresh, but the further I get the more I realize that the real hard work was creating this reference (which sort of feels like it was done with 3d chicken egg problem?).

Can you discuss briefly how this part is made if not drawn in illustrator or something? (I'm not a super artistic person or that skilled at drawing, but I'm working on it)

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    That's a great question and poser for most when starting out on their 3d journey.

    You can just sketch out a design, it doesn't have to be perfect. As long as you have something to start from, often the hardest part in 3d is where/how to start your model.
    You can do it free hand with pencil and paper, or like I expect with the Press Start reference images, Photoshop, Krita or similar was probably used.

    There are loads of places to get reference from, Unsplash, Pixabay, Pinterest even ArtStation, searching online will give you plenty of ideas and reference.
    And you don't just need one reference, you can gather lots of reference images on your subject and take inspiration from each one and come up with something totally unique.

    For example: with a console like Press Start, you could find reference of your favourite console, could even be PS or Xbox and take a bite out of it..
    add/change it up with reference from other things that inspire you..
    Your favourite TV show, Movie, Video Game, whatever you like.

    3 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I agree, I've always felt that concept art is the hardest part, coming up with designs, look and feel, whole worlds have to be illustrated and mood has to be set. The first step on a production is concept artists work, they create everything we're going to do in 3D. It's a hole different discipline by the way, you don't have to do concept art to do 3D, though if you can do it and do 3D altogether, then you're killing it as an artist.

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  • Brandon Pollack(brandonpollack23) replied

    Thanks for the insight and the sources!  I am a software engineer by trade and learning blender to open up some more of what I can fiddle with in some other projects, so I think ill keep it to gray boxing and relying on concept artists and shelve learning concept art myself for now (I do eventually need to learn to use GIMP/Krita/Affinity to make my own textures etc but one thing at a time!)

    Thanks for the rapid reply and the free course <3

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