When I adjust my view angle, using my middle mouse button, the spot light stays relatively centered while the rest of my s...

posted to: Spot Lights
When I adjust my view angle, using my middle mouse button, the spot light stays relatively centered while the rest of my scene is moving around. This has been making positioning the light in the car headlamp difficult. Any idea why this might be happening, or am I not navigating correctly?
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    Are you talking about zooming in and out in your scene? To position the spot light it would be best to enable the transform tools then select the light from the hierarchy. You should see the transform gizmo appear on the light.
  • pavelsputnik replied
    I had the same issue (I am using the Windows version of Unity). Once I adjusted the position of the light in the Inspector panel it worked fine and did not move around anymore when I changed the view.