Texture not working

Question Materials and Textures

Hi, I have made some kind of abstract cube shape with geometry nodes. My problem is that any texture I am using is only shown in eevee. In cycles only the emission works. The Base Color of the Principled BSDF is only showing up black. On a separate object it works fine in cycles, only on my mesh with the geo nodes it doesnt work. If anyone knows how to fix this I would be really thankfull, I tried to fix it myself but I just dont get it.024-06-02 181142.png

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Luca SSadeModelling ,

    If I see this correctly, you Set the Material and then you Distribute Points on Faces. So those Points have no Material.

    So you have something like the top Node Tree and it should be like the bottom one:


    1 love
  • Luca Fallenberg(SadeModelling) replied
    Thank you, I just tried every way to set the material and it still didnt work. After a lot of just trying out stuff I changed the "Mesh to Points" Node back to Vertices instead of Corners. Then only 50% of the mesh was black and the other half had the texture working. But after making the scatter node tree in a different geometry nodes network it worked. I still do not understand why it wasnt working the other way but it works now.