Insert Keyframe

In ocean course macro session at 13min 05 instructor said insert keyframe. If i do right click i don't have the option to insert a key frame. I use blender 3.6. It can be very useful to precise which version of blender is use for the course and this for each course.024-06-01 221226.png

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  • Stéphane Vahle(Injaw) replied

    024-06-01 221805.png

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    That is probably because you have a driver setup and it is no longer giving you the keyframe option. In the tutorial Kent doesn't have a Driver when he insert's the keyframe. So I guess delete the driver and try again. 

    1 love
  • Stéphane Vahle(Injaw) replied

    Thank you :) For cycles what i nee to choose between this 4 render devices? 024-06-02 020053.png

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  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    That depends on your hardware, especially the GPU you use.

    CUDA and OPTIX are for NVidia cards, with Optix requiring more recent chipsets,  but I had it running on a GTX 970. I believe the 960 was the cutoff. Optix is also a lot faster in rendering, so if your hardware supports it, that's what I would use.

    HIP is what you would use if you own an AMD card and I believe oneAPI is for the new Intel Arc cards.

    Whichever you select make sure to check the mark on your GPU that shows up.

    1 love
  • Stéphane Vahle(Injaw) replied

    Ok thanks, my comptuter is pretty strong so i test Optix :) 024-06-02 023828.png

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