Shade smooth by angle on Blender 4.1

Does anyone know why when using "Shade smooth by angle" on Blender 4.1, the plane surface is rough like this? And how to fix them?

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi GGin ,

    You should (Shade Smooth and then) use the Modifier > Normals > Smooth by Angle. Then you can adjust the Angle, just like you used to with Shade Auto Smooth.

    Don't know what you mean by the surface looking rough; please add a screenshot.

    Also, as a side note, it is recommended to use the same Blender Version as in the Courses (in this case 3.0).

    1 love
  • Gin Gin(Gin) replied

    So that means using the latest version of Blender is not always the best, right? Because there are some things that won't give the same result when in 2 different blender versions?

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Whilst learning it is best to use the Blender version in the course.
    This will help negate any potential road blocks with Blender's UI, settings or behaviours.
    Leaving you stress free to learn the core knowledge of 3d CG.

    Try to remember your primary goal is to learn 3d CG skills and concepts that are transferable between different 3d apps.
    Blender is the app you have chosen, which is why getting to grips with the Blender Basics and Fundamentals are the best courses to start with.

    The latest blender versions are best kept for your own projects later in your Blender journey.

    Not that you couldn't or shouldn't use the latest Blender version, but the more experience you have with Blender the easier following any course/tutorial with the latest Blender version will be.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I agree with the guys, since when learning you are very dependent at following along with what's on the screen, it's better to have the Blender version that the course was recorded with. Frees you up from the stress of things not matching up and to later jump to another Blender version is a piece of cake compared to the hassle of not getting the learning in swiftly. As you get more and more experience, the which Blender version you use goes away, you learn that it doesn't really matter, Blender is always 99.9% the same.

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