Linking Assets

Hi there,

I'm trying to implement the library linking workflow to a project and oh boy how many times have I gotten to little snags. But hey, it's a learning process right?

So I'm using Blender 4.1 and was wondering if you could help me understand how what the difference is between making an override to selected vs content (or content & selected) is? Also, so far I noticed if I do selected and content on the top of the collection hierarchy it behaves differently than if I do the same but with the top object in the collection hierarchy (even if everything downstream is parented to that object) 😵‍💫

And second question is: I made a series of objects based of duplicates (not linked duplicates) of one. I think I inadvertently created some dependencies because a few of the objects come in with parts of other objects (or even the whole thing). I went back to the original blend file and tried looking at parent relations in the object data and it all links to the one object I want to bring in... so I wonder if there is another way to find these dependencies to make them unique? My goal is to make the imports to other files the cleanest as possible.

Lastly, I haven't watched the next video on this course yet, so if my questions get answered on that just please disregard. 

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah as far as I remember, Kent goes through all the quirkiness as you go forward, so if by the end you're still left with questions, come back here and we'll try and figure it out. Because yes Asset Library is quirky for sure. 

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