Issue with Bevel

Question Modeling

i am following the game boy course and I am trying to apply a bevel to these slots. They seem to be affected by the bevel, but only by a tiny tiny amount. Note that clamp overlay IS active and the weight is 1.00, wich should work. I checked and there are no overlaying vertices when merging by distance.ture d’écran (5).png

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Well, try disabling 'Clamp Overlap'.

    2 loves
  • Benjamin Voyer(Binjimi) replied

    Yeah it does work! What does it do since another person had to turn it on for the same problem? Anyways thank you very much!

    1 love
  • Blaine Jensen(Theebline) replied

    I might be out to lunch here, but, as I've been going through and learning I think I've come to the realization that blender isn't a one size fits all type of program.

    I just went through the same course and had to disable clamp on a few things and enable it on others.

    I discovered through the macro course that there were things like booleans that Kent had his set to exact but for whatever reason, mine only liked to work in fast. But only for half of them.

    Anyway, the TLDR is, play with the settings, sometimes what the instructor does works, and sometimes you need to fiddle with some settings to get it going. I'm sure this hasn't helped haha, but just one of my observations over the last couple months.

    2 loves
  • Benjamin Voyer(Binjimi) replied

    Thanks Blaine! This actually does help put things into perspective. 

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Benjamin BBinjimi ,

    What Clamp Overlap does, is that the Modifier stops Beveling, as soon as two Edges, somewhere in the model meet. It prevents them from 'overlapping' each other.

    It is on by default.

    Try this on the default Cube. When the Amount reaches 1 meter (when using the Metric system), the Beveling stops, no matter how much you increase the Amount after that. With Clamp Overlap disabled, Blender will just keep Beveling and when you get above 2 meter, it will get really interesting.

    Maybe, while you are at it, you can (with a Bevel Amount smaller than 1 meter), Scale down the Cube in the Z-Axis (stay in Object Mode!) and see how that affects the Bevel.

    2 loves
  • Benjamin Voyer(Binjimi) replied

    Oh yes, it is actually pretty fascinating. It's as if the cube was flipped inside out when it reaches 2m of bevel. Thanks to everybody that answered my questions on this tread!