So, I've got some flipped normal's that i cant seem to get to. Is there a quick and dirty way to deal with this or am I going to have to go back and redo some modeling to get things correct. I think the issue may stem from my inset being a little too much. But figured I'd put some feelers out there while I tinker away with this while trying not to totally restart. (Although if im restarting, I think im just going to model and old DMG-001 Gameboy instead lol)
These are also my only flipped normals. The rest of the model is fine. It's just these two spots.
In edit mode select all and press alt+n->Recalculate outside. If that doesn't fix then select the faces that are flipped and alt+n->Flip. If you are using bevel modifer you may need to adjust the bevel weights(if using weights instead of angle) or reduce the amount if using offset. I personnally prefer percentage.
Solved. Turned out it was my mean bevel weight on my edges. Slightly too high so it was causing issues. Once I reduced the weight the normal's solved themselves.
The corner of the bite had some verts a little close some most of them I merged and that fixed the issue on that end.