I am lost little bit about the logic for using Miror between the ´Layout´and ´Sculpting´views(((

Hi! Could you please explain strange logic for me:

1. I selected the ´Layout´view and Object mode -> click on Teeths and click Add ´Mirror´-> nothing. Click Y-Z axis within Mirro modifier -> the whole Shark mirrored even I have not selected it.

2. I selected the ´Sculpting´view and object mode -> everything works just perfecT!!

BUT this video contains the Layout view to make Mirror action and for Kent it works :( do not understand....


1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    That sounds really weird Mikhail.

    Could you upload a few Screenhots of your UI, showing the two different Workspaces?

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The mirror is based open the object origins position.
    If the origin is in the centre of the mesh the mirror will work, but the mirrored object is in the same position.
    Did you join all the teeth (except the middle one) into one object with CTRL+J?
    Did you apply the rotation, scale and location as Kent does in the video?

    1 love
  • Mikhail Bakhrakh(Mikhail) replied

    sure ' everything is the same in both modes, teeths joined for sure

    1 love
  • Mikhail Bakhrakh(Mikhail) replied

    here are the screenshots

    1 screen - applied Mirror in LAyout + Y axis added that leads to whole shark mirroring instead of selected teeth object5 a las 12.15.09.png

    2 screen - layout mode selected and Mirror mod selected - zero effect.5 a las 12.13.34.png

    3 screen - sculpting space selected and Mirror mod make the deal.5 a las 12.14.11.png

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    I don't know what you have done...
    But look at your properties panel, your missing some tabs. It should be the same as the sculpting workspace.
    Do you have any third party add-ons?

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    In the Layout, you have pinned the Properties, so the Shark (Cube) has the Mirror Modifier:


    • eagle eye!
    • 👍💯
    1 love
  • Mikhail Bakhrakh(Mikhail) replied

    I did nothing - just followed Kent´s guide) no - what are addons)) -I just a couple of days as started my Blender course and the app :) 

  • Mikhail Bakhrakh(Mikhail) replied

    Thanks, Martin, you solved my mystery 🙏! Such a minor thing but it broke my mind for the whole morning ===

    • 👍🏻
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    So, to clarify, because of the pinning, the Selected Object can be different than what is shown in the Properties panel. This pinning is per workspace. In the Sculpting Workspace the Tab is not pinned and shows the Modifiers of the Selected Object.

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Nice one Spikey! I missed that little white pin. It's not often we see that as an issue.

  • Omar Domenech replied
