Troubles with painting across certain islands in 3d viewport

Bit of a ramble, but I'll try summarise it as best as poss!

I might have hit something on the keyboard by mistake, or changed a setting without realising? Or maybe I need to take a walk and come back with fresh eyes 😵

I can't seem to paint across seems/islands in the armpit in the 3d viewport. Or moreover, I can't paint on certain islands at all in the 3d viewport. I've not got paint mask enabled (turning it on and selecting the faces doesn't do it either). The paint just stops at the seam. I've tried adjusting the normal falloff angle. I can, however, paint in the image editor directly onto the UV maps but that's only a half fix to this hiccup and doesn't give a clean transition across islands.

It's all the same material and normals are the right way around too. It's probably a fast fix and I have forgotten something easy. But pls halp!

I'm working across two monitors so i'm uploading screengrabs of both

3d Viewport + Brush Panel

Image Editor

1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied
    Great job Detective Omar!
    • 🤘
    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    I was going to skip this post, but glad I read it. I learn a few new things about texture painting. 

    1 love