Auto smooth not available

posted to: Modeling Handrails
So auto smooth isn't available in 4.1 and unfortunately the bevel on the four directional piece is showing the sharp top edge (I'll link an image in a reply). I've tried shade smooth and shade smooth by angle but neither work to round out this edge. Is there a way to do it without auto smooth? Regards
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  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    edge on bevel.png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Paul,

    Shade Smooth by Angle is more or less the same as Auto Smooth, but you'll have to adjust the Angle immediately after Shade Auto Smooth (Adjust Last Operation Panel, also available with F9).

    Or use the Modifier: Normals > Smooth by Angle.

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yes, but don't use the Shade Smooth By Angle option...
    Use Shade Smooth and then add the Smooth by Angle modifier, this modifier basically replaces the auto smooth option that was in the data properties.

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Shade Smooth By Angle adds sharp edges to the mesh. It's certainly not ideal IMO.

    2 loves
  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied
    Thanks both, adjusting the angle after smoothing by angle worked perfect (had missed that).  Will also check out the modifiers and see what results they give.  Appreciated as always.
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    True Adrian! (The Modifier does that as well, but not destructively.)

    In 4.2 this will probably be changed:

    Shade Smooth by Angle will be removed. In its place will be Shade Auto Smooth (as it is called now, name may change) and that just adds a Shade Smooth by Angle Modifier to the Mesh.

    • 👍🍪
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