
I need help with the Mirror my computer is acting up it not letting me put down the pic
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  • Grace Idugboe(Ravenight) replied

    024-05-21 173305.png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Grace,

    The Mirror Modifier is using the Object's Origin to Mirror around:


    You can use the Console as Mirror Object, maybe that helps (depends on where the Console's Origin is, of course.).

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    You can also;

    Switch to Object Mode, SHIFT+S > Cursor to World Origin. And then Add an Empty and use that as the Mirror Object in the speaker's Mirror Modifier.

    (And there are many other ways to fix this.)

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah your origin is where the 3d cursor is...

    Go to object mode > Press SHIFT+S and select Cursor to World Origin > With the speaker object, Press RMB and select Set Origin > Origin to 3D Cursor

    The mirrored speaker should jump to the correct position.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Also consider starting with the Blender Basics Course:


    It teaches you all these little goodies, since Press Start is actually not very super beginner friendly.

    2 loves