Substance 3D Painter and Substance 3D Designer



I will never work as a professional 3D artist, but definitely as a hobbyist 3D artist for as long as I live. Having said that, I still want to create fantastic materials and textures in Blender with high quality that I can use outside of Blender. So with the above said is it worth for me to get Substance 3D Painter and Substance 3D Designer and use them alongside with Blender or is Blender alone good enough? And if not, how do I get Substance 3D Painter and Substance 3D Designer if I just want to pay one time payment, not monthly payments for updates. Finally, where are the best Substance tutorials to take part in?

  • Omar Domenech replied
    Even though Substance is probably a better tool, since it's made exclusively for texturing work, for sure you can do everything in Blender. It's like cooking, yeah you can have better ovens and a better kitchen, but it's the chef that matters. So if you can make the expense then sure, buy the software, if not then you can totally make anything you want with Blender as the tool.
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hii Tom,

    Both SP and SD can be purchased at Steam as a one-time payment, with updates till the end of 2024. You can of course keep on using it after that.

    Substance Painter and Designer don't magically turn you into a good texturing artist, though; you'll have to put in the effort. (There are many 'amateurs' in the Substance kitchens, whose food I wouldn't like to eat.)

  • Tom Fransson(tfsuper3d) replied

    Thank you Omar! That was the answer I was hoping for. If I can do it in Blender, then I don't need anything else. So that is perfect.

    Thank you Martin! Good to know if I change my mind. And hehe, the kitchen thing, too funny, haha

    • 🤘🏻
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    There are other free options too...


    And others, perfect for hobbyists.

  • Tom Fransson(tfsuper3d) replied

    I have checked those two out. Indeed cool free stuff. Thank you Adrian!

    • 👍💯