How did everyone get here?

I want to start off first by saying, I love this community and I love this site. I picked up blender late last year and trying to bounce around from youtube tutorial to youtube tutorial I felt like I was struggling. I was learning the UI but I felt like I was following all the motions but not truly understanding everything (or anything for that matter).

The cookie has been great, following along with tutorials and then actually having a task to do at the end really helps to drive home all the concepts learned in the tutorials.

Anyway, my point with this post was, I want to know how everyone got here. What made you start using blender?

My background: I'm a Red Seal welder by trade, but I started video editing and filming back on Adobe Premiere 6.0, and using Minidv cams back in 2003. This launched my love for film and digital editing, and my desire to work in the film industry. But alas, I had children and my dream of working in the film industry faded away. But, discovering Blender has really launched that desire to flex my creativity again. I'm glad to be here learning and hopefully helping others at some point once I'm more confident with my skills.

So how did you all get here? Whats your story?


4 loves
  • rob rees(TheVik1ng) replied

    I have the Creality K1c I wanted the bigger one but decided to stay small. To be fair regardless of some reviews I saw it’s been solid and prints soooo good! Iv started printing for cosplay costumes for my photography 

  • Blaine Jensen(Theebline) replied

    TTheVik1ng nice! I moved out of the Creality pipeline a few years ago. But my old Ender 3 pro (that I've heavily modded) is still a champ when I need it. But the best 3D printer, is whatever one you own. I have 3 different printers and they all do the same thing, with their own quirks. If you ever need help just reach out on the discord.

    1 love
  • Michael Tuni(Blender Mike) replied

    Found one of your videos on basics and explored further to find your game console course - really enjoying it.

    1 love