[Press Start] My render looks quite washed out.

Question Materials and Textures


My colour codes for the pad and everything are the exact same. So are the values for the lights and I matched the distances best I could. Any ideas why it looks like this?

I appreciate any help you can provide.

2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Thomas fflyinggoatman ,

    It's a really bad habit to copy the values you see in a tutorial! Use your eyes to get the colors you like.

    In this case, it might be, because you are using a different Blender Version than the Course.

    For instance 4.1 uses AgX by default (instead of Filmic):


    2 loves
  • Thomas G(flyinggoatman) replied
    Thank you! I only am copying values so I can see the resuits and understand how a + b = c, if that makes sense?

    Then I can come back and try to adapt the findings into my own colours and styles.
    • 👍🏻
    2 loves