Difference between file and video

I opened the shader_start blend file, with the recommended version of blender. There's no shaderGeo under Shader Ball. As I'm mostly familiar (mostly but I'm trying to refresh my skills after a long illness) with the way Blender does things, I was able to find the material as you see in my screencap. But I wanted to say something, because I was confused and annoyed and double checked the blender version and all.

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey ssatyridae,

    Shader Ball , Shader GEO, it's just a name. The download probably got renamed when updating the course files to work with newer versions of Blender.
    I see the confusion though.

    We do try and encourage everyone to use the Blender version used in the course, the core principles taught are timeless through Blender version.
    Blender changes, 3D concepts don't, however there are occasions when download files are used outside of the course, which is why they get updated.

    For example: Anyone can use the Shader Ball to practice or create their own materials for other projects. 

    A Shader Ball is not just for Christmas! 😆🎅

    We are currently reviewing all the fundamental courses for any discrepancies with the latest Blender version. I will add this one to the list.

    Thanks for taking the time to point it out.

    2 loves
  • satyridae replied

    I triple coconut fudge checked that the version I'm using was 2.8 and it is! However I really appreciate work to bring things in line with the current UI.

    • 👍🍪
    1 love