Painted Metals and Bumps coming out pixelated

Hi, my paint is coming out pixelated and has been for a while now, I've tried to do the best I can but with the bump it's really obvious.  Where have I gone wrong as I've gone for the 4k pictures so unsure why it's coming out like this?

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Can you share some screenshots of the issue, including the material and the render settings.

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Maybe you are way too zoomed in? Normally you want see the model so up close, if it looks fine on a render shot it's going to be ok. But if you're going to have the camera very very close, then you might have to go even 8K. It will all depend on what your shots are going to look like. Do a couple of test renders with an approximation of layout shots and see how it behaves.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Could also be a matter of your Color Depth...8 bit can easily look 'stepped' in a Bump or Displacement Map

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  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    024-05-08 193043.png

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  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    Hi All, thank you.  I've figured it out, it was to do with my unmapping.  Seems everything has unmapped tiny.  Still a newbie so learning as I go.  Not sure how I go about changing this now that I have done the base layers without affecting what I have already done024-05-08 205452.png?

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    If I understand it correctly, you'll probably have to Re-Unwrap and start painting all over again...

    Sounds painful, but you'll probably be more careful next time...(and the second time it'll go a lot faster and even better.)

    2 loves
  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    Yeah it's really broken me lol.  However, I am trying to unpack again as I'm happy I only have to do the final unwrapping but in the UV wrap there are a lot of items now overlapping that weren't when I first did it and now when I try and 'pack islands' it overlays everything.  Might have to go right back, which is gutting as my pothead was looking amazing up until this point and taken me months to get where I am lol.  Thanks Martin, I will have to consider what to do next.

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    We've all been there Paul, having to redo because of a mistake early on. Don't worry, just start over and let the pain be your master to avoid future mishaps. 

    2 loves
  • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) replied

    I redid the whole unwrapping and realised that I hadn't increased the size of the UV's when I did the checkers (basically make the checkers smaller on the objects for higher resolution).  I wasn't aware you had to do that and missed it somehow in the video so had massive checkers, which is why I ended up with really tiny UV's.  I now know that's what I will need to do in the future.

    However my stubborn headiness wants to move onto a new project now as limited with how much time I have left from my subscription as wasted 6 months without a computer.  I've thankfully therefore figured out that by increasing the size of the images I can fix the problem albeit high px images isn't ideal it will do to get me over the finish line.

    As always thankyou for all the help you have given me on this project, I appreciate I've asked a lot of questions.  Hopefully I will get to showcase my Pothead soon.

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