Why not just use Dynamic Topology?

posted to: Basic Blockout
Remeshing over and over doesn't seem efficient for the snake brush.
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Do you have a time stamp to see what you are referring to? But in any case, there is not just one approach when it comes to Blender and 3D, there is not just one path or one unique way to achieve your goal, you could use remesh or Dyntopo or snake hook or whatever other tool you think is right for the situation, most of the time is a matter of preference or what you feel comfortable with. What you see on the video is a guide more than a rule, as you get more confidence you'll approach things your way more and more, so it's great you pose the question.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Yeah, the Snake Hook Brush is one that is almost begging for Dynamic Topology.

    But you can easily switch between Remeshing and DynTopo.

    You'll find what works best for you over time, like Omar already mentioned.