Connecting Verts

Hi all.

Can someone please help. I am not sure where I am going wrong. 

When connecting verts from the console to the upper left vert on the left D-pad button, I am getting this.
It seems to be flipping and connecting to the lower right vert. 024-04-13 212013.png

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Callum CCFIRTH ,

    My guess would be, that your D-Pad is actually a different Object than the Console. So you have two Objects in Edit Mode and it is not possible to connect Vertices from two Objects. Now, F is trying to be clever and makes a Face from the one Vertex in the D-Pad (the shading of the Face shows overlapping Faces).

    Solution: Undo the Filling somehow and switch to Object Mode and CTRL+J to make the two Objects into one. (If you can no  longer Undo, Delete the D-Pad Object and with the Console Selected go into Edit Mode and make a new D-Pad.

    I highly recommend to watch (or re-watch) the free Blender Basics: Course.

    1 love
  • Callum Firth(CFIRTH) replied
    Martin, thank you very much, this solved it. 

    I will be honest, I haven't watched the Blender Basics. I will do that now before moving on with this project.


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