Ajusting the Smooth Tool

Hello! I hope everyone's doing well!

I'm trying to finish the video "Almost Finishing the Face" in the 3rd chapter (Sculpting a Shark) but I'm having trouble with the smooth option. When I click on "Shift" it smooths too much and I'm having trouble understanding how to ajust the pressure of the Smooth tool. Looked up in google but not finding what I'm looking for... could I get some help please? :-)

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey Filipa!
    If you select the smooth tool from the toolbar or use the hotkey 'S', and set the strength on the tool header bar.
    I would use a very low strength, something like 0.05

    Then when using SHIFT it will use the tool settings you just set.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes as Adrian says, put it another way, when you hold shift, the brush is changing to be the smooth brush, so it is as if you are using the smooth brush all of a sudden, so if your smooth brush has a super high setting, it will smooth too much, so you have to go to your smooth brush and change it's strength so it doesn't smooth too much, and if I have to say smooth or brush one more time I'm going to loose it. Ok so there you go.

    • 😁Smooth
    2 loves
  • Filipa Halliwell(Halliwell) replied

    Dear Adrian and Omar,

    Thank you so much for your replies, there are so many tools that I just got lost and for some reason, I wasn't finding the smooth tool! I was even thinking there wasn't one! It totally solved my issue :-)

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