The Rest?

when will there be the rest of this course? I really did this course because i wanted to develope procedural rigid/soft body systems in 3D, all the stuff that got talked about in the last 30 seconds. It was a great course, executed perfectly, but i'm kind of disappointed about the End-result, the promotion let me to believe i will actually have sth useable in the End. But everything was "2D" and we didn't even talk about meshing the Fluid.
  • Omar Domenech replied
    Well maybe the reality is you can't fit everything on a single course and producing one takes a long time. Probably in the near future they will be a continuation of this one, since right now it's testing to see if there's interest in these topics most likely. In the mean time, there's lots of other stuff to watch and learn from, the 3D pipeline is long and full of terrors, dip your toes in any stages of the pipeline and master it all. 
    3 loves
  • sheila5 replied

    I wrote on youtube that I was looking for a part 2, so perhaps if more people ask him he might get motivaed? Or let cgcookie offer more money hihi

    3 loves