Linked command not working?

posted to: Remesh Overview
Title says it all. I tried using the "linked" command and it didn't work as intended and my objects wouldn't link to each other. Any ideas? Does it just work different in newer versions of blender?
1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Justen negativesanchez98 ,

    If you mean the "Linked" checkbox in the Adjust Last Operation Panel, after Duplicating, that still works.

    In newer Versions, however it is displayed a bit 'cleaner'. In older Versions, both (all) Linked Objects were shown in Edit Mode, when one was in Edit Mode, and now it looks like this:


    Alternatively, you can also use ALT+D instead of SHIFT+D, then you don't have to enable "Linked" anymore, because the Duplicate is already Linked.

    Maybe you want/need to revisit the Blender 4.x Basics...

    In particular:

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    It probably is working, In the lesson Kent switches to edit mode after linking and the mesh is visible on both objects.
    Modern Blender will only show the mesh of the selected/active object.
    If you edit one object the other linked object(s) will still inherit those changes.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    If this is not what you're referring to, perhaps you're talking about linking stuff to another scene? But anyways you can also record a screen grab video and upload it. 

  • Justen Hootman(negativesanchez98) replied
    oop. No I got it working now! It just works a little different now then I remember. Still getting used to the newer versions of Blender. Thank you everyone!