How to add friends on cg cookie?

One of the biggest reasons I subscribed to CG cookie is to learn how to make new friends in the blender community and collaborate on projects together! Frankly I've put myself in a little bit of box, I've only ever worked alone on my own projects, so meeting new people and making new relationships to get more done faster is definitely something I wanna do! 

Do any of you know if there's a way to direct message someone on CG cookie, or to send  friend request? Or is that just external? Also since I'm brand new I don't even know how to view someone's profile so if someone has an answer to that too that would be epic.
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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah you can follow people, at least you used to, I haven't done that in years since we got the forums at one point and then the Discord. You can join CG Cookie's Discord and also follow people here and post in the forum and between it all you'll integrate and fit like the default cube on a square peg. So welcome Tyler 🤙🏼

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  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied
    Yes, you can still follow someone. If you see someone in the forum you can click on their name and get to the profile. Haven't found direct messaging on the site though. But of course that works like a charm in Discord. You might find people there just by being active and involved alone. It's a great channel.
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  • Wes Burke replied

    As others have mentioned, you're able to follow members, and their activity will show up in your Dashboard feed. This feature could use some TLC and I'd love to add the ability to encourage more connection/communication between members on the site in the near future!

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