problem with rigid bodies and collisions

Question Animation

I am creating a logo wich involves a bullet that goes through a concreate box. I have followed a few tutorials and have setteld on using cell fracture to make the box into smaller pieces. Because  the box is shaped like a rectangel without a center, it is very instabel and collapses if i add an active rigid body to it. To fix this i putt the topp and bottom of the box to be animated instead of dynamic, but the part wich i want to be able to fracture still fracturs imedietly instead of when the bullet penetrates the box. I tried adding restraints but when I did the box stoped crumbeling, wich i good. but now when the bullet penetrates the box nothing happens! I tried deleting the constraints but now the bullet never collieds with the box. I dont now how to fix this and am wondering if anyone can help me?

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Einar,

    I don't know what tutorials you've seen, but this used to be done pre-2.80, with the help of the Blender Game Engine.

    What I would do now, is to Animate the Dynamic Property of each Box fragment:



  • Einar Ekman(Einar) replied

    i can share the file with you if you want to

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    You can paste the link to google drive, dropbox or similar file sharing app, and we can take a closer look.

  • Einar Ekman(Einar) replied