Edge loop issue

When trying to scale the crate bumpers (19:00 mark) my furthest edge loop near the boundary is turning into a larger rectangle, tried merging vertices and selecting all

anyone else run into this?

before scale

after scale

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Angel,

    You probably have overlapping Faces. something like this, two larger Faces, on top of the 4 smaller ones:


    You need to Delete those.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    I think Spikey is spot on...

    If you look at the two images, the face is not getting bigger, it is already that size before scaling.

    Count the number of loop cuts in each image...
    Before... you can see six
    After... you can only see five

    This means you have one big face (selected), and two smaller faces (not selected)..
    If you look at Spikey's example, in face select mode and x-ray enabled, you will see the large face, indicated by a the dot in the centre of the face, right on the edge loop.
    Select that face and delete it.

    This is why the face looks like it gets bigger, but you are actually seeing the larger face only, the smaller faces are probably not selected and not being scaled.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    You may be able to just select everything and M to merge by distance. If not, go to face select mode and see if there are funky faces, you can usually tell because like Adrian says you see the center dot in places that shouldn't be there, like squashed in the middle of two faces.

    1 love
  • Angel Cee(Angelwheel) replied

    Hm, Trying all of these methods but, There is something wrong with the furthest edge and deleting the face leaves me with a hole not the other face...There is something weird that happens when i go to do the edge loops, it kicks off once i left click which makes me believe it's an edge problem and not the face (I can't detect an extra face or edge until after i try to do the 6 loops)

    if anyone could please check it out and let me know if it happens with you Crate blend file

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Ok I see what it is, you have clipping enabled in the mirror modifier and the merge threshold is high, so when you move the faces, the face closest to the horizon suddenly snaps to the horizon line and it looks as if it disappears. Just disable clipping when your doing the operation and you'll be fine.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Angel,

    I wouldn't have guessed this one 😉


    1 love
  • Angel Cee(Angelwheel) replied

    Oh my, I also wouldn't have thought of that! Thanks guys

    It's always something tiny like this cramping my process lol

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