how to flip

Could we possibly provide a clearer explanation for duplicating objects, scaling with ESC >> S for the scale, and rotating on the Z axis with -1? The process has been a bit confusing and sloppy the last couple of times we've attempted it.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Michael MM_chael ,

    When you Duplicate something with SHIFT+D, it puts the duplicated object in 'Translation Mode' and you don't want to Move the duplicate, so you press the Escape key to cancel the movement (keeping the duplicate at the exact same pl;ace as the original). Then you 'mirror' it in the X, Y plane by Scaling it along the Z-Axis by -1 (that is: S, Z, -1). There is no Rotation performed in this process.

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    I find mentally it's easier for some people to use the actual mirror. In this case ctrl+m->z->enter or left click. This is the same as scaling by -1 on an axis. S->z->-1->enter or LMB. Side note: mirroring(Either method) also flips the normals and is mirrored based on the chosen pivot point. That's why I use 3D cursor and have it set to world origin. That way I don't have to do the move downward afterwards.

    To understand what is going on you need to know that in blender scale is multiplication. 1 times anything equals that thing. -1 times something is that thing but negative. so a vertex at 1.5 from pivot on z axis becomes -1.5 z or which ever axis you choose to scale on. 

  • Omar Domenech replied

    It's a whole journey, going from being a 1 then passing through 0 and then ending up at -1.

    In my head going from 1 all the way to 0 is as being normal and then shrinking infinitely thin until you're nothing, then from 0 to -1 you're yourself again but coming out the other side flipped. 

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    That sounds like "Alice through the looking glass." Omar.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    With regards to scaling in the Z axis with -1, you need to change your thought of -1 being a negative number.
    And try and think of + and - as the direction along the stated axis...

    If you are struggling with duplicating and scaling objects, you may want to look at the Blender Basics and come back to this course later.

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