I hope the Image is readable, the edges on Models (here the default cube) seem to get more jagged as I zoom out in the viewport.
Loading the factory setting does solve the issue, but I´m still curious where this issue comes from...
Help is appreciated!
Oh man, I feel like such an idiot😉
It was right in my face, how could I have missed this:
The Clipping range is too large @nougat time ,
If you divide the Clip Start by 10, you should also divide the Clip End by 10 (from the default values...)...it's not exactly like that, but if Clip End divided by Clip Start gets too large, you get 'rounding errors'.
thanks guys! I guess it really is a rare issue, since googling this or looking on reddit didn´t get me very far...
Good thing ya´ll know your way around! 😁