Course Files

To whom this may concern, the download files are not downloading properly into a Zip Folder. Instead, I get a file I have never seen or can't be opened. 

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Anthony gonzalezanthony3d ,

    These files:

    Split Archive.png

    are a split archive; they belong together.

    You need to download all 10 of them and put them all in the same folder. then unzip only the first (

    If you are using 7zip, it should unzip all of them automatically.

    If you can't use 7zip, there are other unzippers that can handle split archives; just let us know your Operating System and we'll be able to help find what you can use alternatively.

    2 loves
  • Anthony Gonzalez(gonzalezanthony3d) replied

    I’ve never used this sort of zip method, thank you for your reply. I’ll try it and let you know. 

    1 love