How long does it take to finish a course on CGCookie?


Hello again everyone! I have a weird question. How long does it normally take for others to finish a course? I know that depends on the complexity of what is being taught and factors such as an individual's time, but I'm genuinely curious. I've been learning Blender in the evenings after school. I usually spend 30 mins. to an hour watching videos and messing with the software. That seems to be working out for me and I think I'm making pretty good progress.

Oh and on an unrelated note, I love the way information is being presented. The way Jonathan Lampel is teaching the course I'm currently on is fantastic. I'm learning tons. I feel like if I pause for a second, I'll miss some key information.

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  • Jonathan Lazaro(Jojo) replied

    about the same for me some are tougher than others, muscle car was pretty easy but mesh modeling fundamentals was tough , cubicity was easy at first till you start messing around with the nodes, i try and squeeze in 1 or 2 really easy ones in between the longer ones, surprisingly i always learn something new in the easy ones as well

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  • Omar Domenech replied
    It's too hard to come up with a straight up answer, there's too many variables. What I would say thought is it should be of no consequence how long it takes, if it takes a day it takes a day, if it takes one month it takes one month. I am a slow learner, I have to watch a course twice, once as a movie, just watching it and paying attention to everything, then a second time, only this time going hands on and practicing along so the knowledge solidifies in my mind. The important thing is that you are being productive with whatever time you can allocate to your learning.
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  • Becky (HereBeDragons) replied

    This might not be helpful, but it sort of depends on the course. Most of them are paced such that I can keep up watching them at 1x with regular pausing because I'm a bit slower with the menus. Some of the courses are designed to show you principles and you practice them on your own via assignments. The OG animation bootcamp from 2016 took me over a month of steady work because I had to repeat a few of the assignments--plus fundamentals are some of the hardest work to do, in my opinion. Sometimes I feel like the courses are impossibly long, but it's very worth the time invested because CGCookie courses continue to be some of the most thorough and best explained that I have found.

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  • Samuel Taylor(Tailored Visual Arts) replied

    HHereBeDragons I think that’s the perfect explanation. I find it taking me about a few weeks to a month per course. Although, I’ve only done Press Start and I’m almost finished the Fundamentals for 3D Mesh Modelling. I don’t regret taking the courses and I’m learning so much! I think you’re right! I don’t think there’s a better place to learn Blender. My goal at the moment is to finish the Fundamentals before the end of the year. And maybe do the Animation 2023 and Mesh Modelling Bootcamps. Then down the line, I can tackle Human, which might be the longest course I take. 

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