Again, just a simple question... How can I upload an animation (MP4) here?
I'm not even sure, I feel that thing doesn't work for me most of the time. If I write Infoxicao it's supposed to work but a lot of times I don't see it does.
The mentioning is done by typing @ username , but without the space after @
Often the username is the one between brackets, so: in your case, that would be @ Infoxicao , without the space.
Hovering over someones name might also display the @ name.
To make it more confusing; sometimes the username is not displayed and sometimes only the username is displayed.
In my case, you could use spikeyxxx . But I read everything anyways, so it is not necessary to @ mention me.
spikeyxxx I've seen that when you are trying to upload an animation to a final project it is compulsory for the link attached to be Vimeo or Youtube link. I've tried with the google drive link, but it doesn't accept that format... So where can I upload that drive link?