I assume we should treat Filmic and Agx the same way? It sounds like they share a lot of the same qualities and benefits as far as image processing?
Does it come down to personal preference? I'm curious to here your guys' input...
JL talks about it a bit on the everything new in 4.0 video, at around 9:30
I'd say in the end is personal preference, depending if you're going for realism or stylized or some other crazy art style.
Hi Nathalia,
If I understand things correctly, AgX is an improved 'version', compared to Filmic. You can still use Filmic if you want, but it is recommended to use AgX instead. Both are similar, but AgX is better.
You can think of it a bit like the new Principled BSDF vs. the 'old' Principled BSDF.
This is just scratching the surface of color management, but I would not recommend going down that rabbit hole...
But, seeing under which lesson this question is asked, I'd say: yes, treat AgX and Filmic the same.
AgX is overall better if you're shooting for realism. For my Arcgh-viz projects for example I don't even consider filmic anymore, only use AgX. It has a higher dynamic range and is more capable of displaying colours more accurately, especially in very bright or overexposed scenarios. It also handles energy conservation better influencing reflection, refraction (aside from the new Principled BSDF) and the way materials handle light, taking away some of that weird glow effect you sometimes get with filmic. You might find renders a bit darker at first in comparison, but it is way more realistic.
This guy has a pretty good handle on the technical differences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsTQEzcmD5w
Perfect! Thank you all for the tips. Yes, I was wondering if we just used it in the same way as Filmic inside of Blender, but bottomline I just wanted to know which one would give me more latitude if I were to bring Blender scenes into DaVinci or Premiere as part as a longer piece... That answers it. Thanks again :)