With the moving around and renaming, where would I find the transmission roughness if I were to emulate this very simple glass material using the BSDF?
I think I'd switch to the more complex material that we learn on the next lesson for a final render, but for quick materials this doesn't look half bad.
Do I see it correctly, that I can just increase the weight of transmission to 1 and call it the day? I
I'm assuming you mean the Principle BSDF in Blender 4.0. It's no longer 2 separate inputs. The roughness input is used for both diffuse and transmission roughness. Setting the transmission weight to 1 activates the clear(Glass) material. You will want to adjust the IOR too. Glasses are usually between 1.5-1.53. Windows are usually 1.51-1.52. I use 1.503 for windows and 1.523 for cups.
Indeed, the Transmission Roughness has been removed in the new Principled BSDF.
This means, that you no longer directly can make a 'milky' glass with clear reflections, but in 99,9% of the cases, you won't need that and it is easier to just have one roughness to take care of...
That makes sense! It's pretty handy to get it working so quickly... we can always pull out the separate shaders if we need :)