Should you ever revise the chapter on materials...

Hi, you made a very understandable, hands on and professional tutorial! Thank you. The materials chapter on the piano is heavy, though. The node setup is definitely not for amateurs and relatively easy enough to follow on the dice tutorial, but appending and then "cutting and slashing" (pls. don't take it in the wrong way) ;-)) through the material setup: I get lost pretty fast. So should you ever do an update / revision, ...maybe rebuilding the node setup so that one can learn from scratch would be a great help. I appreciate the time and effort.
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  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thanks for the feedback - always appreciated. How many times have you watched the piano material setup?

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    The Fundamentals got you covered, they're for taking it slow and one step at a time, linking you up:

    A normal production goal oriented course usually goes at a "you already know the fundamentals" speed, once you master them a bit you'll feel more comfortable with the pacing.

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