Kent, there is a problem in the map baking with blender render lesson(not in the video) its in the source file itself whic...

Kent, there is a problem in the map baking with blender render lesson(not in the video) its in the source file itself which is we have only one image texture file that is the bake-gizmo, but we dont have the other two image textures. this problem is happening with everyone. :)
  • tomg802 replied
    Hi as you will see in the questions below he wants you to make a texture as he redid the source file. I find that Kent assume a little to much for a newbie to remember. Although I appreciate his work and knowledge' I have found it to be frustrating. If like me you could not remember how to make a texture and find yourself banging your head against the wall. Go to your UV editor and make the texture by clicking on the + sign next to the box that shows the name the texture file. Hope that helps.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    I'm sorry to hear of the frustration, but it sounds like my evil plan is working as designed ha. If you don't know how to create an image texture, then you don't have much use for baking textures :D
  • aboood319 replied
    texturing needs to be remembered more than it needs to be understanded, so i am grateful to what you did (Kent). :)