What am I doing wrong? Snapping

I'm sure it's some setting I missed, or something silly, but I have the hardest time trying to snap things precisely in Blender. It "snaps", but then if you look closely, it's not properly snapped. Zooming in and out this much all the time is definitely not intuitive and I'm sure the problem is on my end. 

I'll attach a couple screenshots to see if anyone can help.

A second question is: have you ever had the problem of being in X-ray + Wireframe and yet not selecting all the way through with one click? It has been working just fine until now, so I assume I bumped a hotkey or setting that enabled/disabled something funky. It selects just the edge I click. I'm use a Wacom Intuos Pro, if that makes a difference? 

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  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    t 9.12.17 PM (2).png

    t 9.13.34 PM (2).png

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    You are using incremental which is based of the objects position when you start the move. Also it's based off the object's origin. You can check absolute grid snap. if you want it to actually snap to the grid, but again it is based off the objects origin. If you want to snap to the object then use vertex or edge instead. 

    As for selecting you have to box select not just click on it. So you need to hold mouse button down and drag to create the box when you you have the box select tool.(The arrow in the dotted square on the toolbar on the left) 

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Default Blender grid is in 1 meter units, as you zoom in each grid is divided into ten smaller grids, zoom further in and divided by ten again.

    The increment is based on the level of zoom, 1m, 10cm, 1cm. so increment snapping will be 1m or 10cm or 1cm, depending on the zoom, you will see the change in the size of grid squares as to what the increment level is. 

    As Dwayne said and for example, if you have a grid zoom level of 1m, the object will snap 1m from the starting position. If the starting position is 0.1 m and snapping in increments of 1m, the increments of snap would be 1.1m then 2.1 then 3.1, etc., etc..
    So the edge of an object won't always line up where you want it when snapping in increments.
    Absolute grid will work if the target is aligned to absolute grid, which in your case it is not.
    Using vertex or edge snapping would be the correct choice here.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Also when you use vertex snapping, remember to move your mouse cursor to a vertex in order for the snapping to take place. Same for edge snapping, you need to have your cursor over an edge and same for face snapping, cursor on a face. 

    2 loves
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    Awesome! Thank you so much guys! I'll give this a try later today when I jump back into the class. I knew it was something I was doing. Snapping has been the most frustrating bit of Blender so far, and hopefully getting over this project will help fix that :)

    Also, that makes total sense with the box select. I've been doing that intuitively all along and somehow last night I stopped dragging the pen and couldn't notice it. I guess it was just my brain telling me to stop and resume after some rest. Lol.

    Thanks again!

    • 😉👍🏻
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  • thehomme replied

    Also, if you're using Blender 4 then snapping has had some improvements. There's an overview in the Blender 4 Basics but also Andrew Price does a demo of it in the latest donut around 4:57 https://youtu.be/KO29y5eW61g?si=Rp6hPNjLwKG1fEFv&t=297

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