Wow, this video had a lot of information. I'm interested in developing game assets, and I will get to that flow once I'm d...

Wow, this video had a lot of information. I'm interested in developing game assets, and I will get to that flow once I'm done with the fundamentals. This video seemed a bit in depth when it comes to baking and less fundamental, I think it's cool that you can make a texture look like a high res model and put it on a low res mesh but I didn't even know what baking meant when I first started this video. I still don't. I am assuming it's the process of making a texture out of a mesh. It would be nice if this video was a little more introductory and if this series of lessons had an exercise.
  • hkr86 replied
    I agree with what you said. I'm also interested in developing game assets, but after watching this video I felt overwhelmed with the amount of information and as you said I don't know what baking is and still after finishing the video I don't have a clear understanding. I'm planning to rewatch the video and see if that helps. Your comment is 4 weeks ago but if you don't mind I would like to know your status now? did you continue this course although you didn't understand this lesson? Any feedback would be helpful and appreciated!
  • Johnathyn (johnrabble) replied
    I feel the same as you two guys. I don't mean any offense to Kent, but I felt more comfortable watching the tutorials when I was watching Jonathan's. He tried to make sure you understood everything that he went over where this guy seems to be kind of skimming the surface.
  • Paul Kepp(shamanik) replied

    This would be much better if objects were created from scratch to show different options. They should make an entire course on this one topic, really.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately I don't know what else to do in terms of explaining map baking at a basic level..Maybe I'll do a Live Event about "Baking for Beginners" so you can ask me directly for clarification on what you don't understand from this lesson.