Particle Explosion Complete


Here is the particle explosion I was having trouble with since the start at thanksgiving but after taking a step back and learning the basics of rigid body physics and experimenting more this is the end result for the company. If it is good enough they will use the animation. Rigid bodies are fun to mess with for simulations and I now understand them more. 

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  • thehomme replied

    Well done. It's good to see real world work here. Could I suggest you experiment this a little more? At the moment I think it's too explosive and the timing isn't right. The purpose of the animation should be to focus the viewer on the company name and ideally give some sense of branding which I don't think is happening at the moment. Instead of sliding in the name, have you thought about the name rising up from underneath the balls and slowly revealing itself? Or you could do the reverse so the logo falls as if it was directly behind the camera and into the balls. In summary focus on the company name and use any animation/particle simulation as a way to enhance the name rather than the other way around.

    If this was a meal, then the name would be "the steak" and the particle simulation would be the "salt and pepper" you add to bring out the steaks flavour.

    1 love
  • Brandon (Brandon123) replied

    Thanks for the ideas but this is what they wanted was more of a explosion of particles. I do think the logo stands out myself as all the balls scatter away after the explosion but I will keep these ideas in mind if I need to for this project but it is also good advice for future projects to experiment in many ways with everything for sure. I did mess around with another example. to show them earlier that they could use both if wanted. Maybe they could use this one as a main header on the website and the explosion down below somewhere? I will add more time to this animation before it loops again.