Fill not connecting vertices

For some reason, instead of connecting two vertices with an edge, it causes a new face to be formed on the side of the console or no edge connection pops up at all. Any reason why this is doing this?

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  • thehomme replied

    Are you pressing J to join rather than F to fill?

    I don't know exactly what you're trying to connect but the position of the vertices is messed up in that screenshot - if that the before or after?

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Rachel rrayenic ,

    Make sure that the whole Mesh is 1 Object (if not: Switch to Object Mode. Select the 2 or more Objects and press CTRL+J. Then return to Edit Mode and try again.)

    If you have Added the inner parts (screen & Co.) in Object Mode, they are their own (separate) Objects. You can be in Edit Mode on more than 1 Object at the same time, but you cannot connect them (with F, for instance).

    3 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I think Rachel means that those two vertices that you see selected on the screenshot, when you hit F only an edge should be formed between them, instead a face is being added, not just an edge to connect those two vertices. I think that is just Blender assumes you want to fill the whole thing and saves you a step. Sometimes those macro functions work against you, sometimes they save you time. 

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Omar, "...those two vertices that you see selected on the screenshot..." I can see 3 Selected Vertices  and I think there are more (I suspect some double Vertices as well), but the 'cross' and side not connecting, smells like more than one Object to me...

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied
    A video screen recording could be great to diagnose the mystery Rachel. 
  • Rachel Richardson(rayenic) replied

    Sorry for keeping you waiting! Yes, it looks like I forgot to join the objects before filling. Thanks for the assistance.

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