In case anyone else besides me might be having the issue of the checker pattern not showing up, make sure you have selecte...

In case anyone else besides me might be having the issue of the checker pattern not showing up, make sure you have selected all of your model first before following the instructions. It took me half an hour of rewatching, googling etc to realize this and now I feel really dumb.. haha. :) As someone mentioned elsewhere since this course is just the second one in the intro to Blender flow, it would be helpful if every single click/step were mentioned even if it seems obvious, otherwise it takes a lot of rewinding to get through the lessons.
  • Chelsea Komschlies(songofeireann) replied
    Ok, I see you say this at the end of the video, but it would be really helpful to say it in the very first few seconds.
  • johsur replied
    This comment save my time :D
  • wiserman19 replied
    Oh, thx it worked
  • kynadre replied
    No kidding I'm feeling completely lost with this set of tutorials... I'm brand new to this stuff so even though I watched the intro lessons, this isn't just "learning how to use Blender", it's also "learning how to work with textures for first time ever" and I'm having to rewatch the videos a LOT...
  • Chelsea Komschlies(songofeireann) replied
    I felt the same way at this point! It does get a little easier after this point, not because the content is really any easier but you learn things about the interface and the way things work that feel completely foreign right now. FWIW I learned that it helped me to first watch an entire chapter of lessons at once without pausing, then go back to the beginning of the chapter and only open Blender and follow along with the instructions the second time (or sometimes third).
  • mugwump_flow replied
    Thanks for mentioning this. I was looking for exactly this in the comments!