This is a suggestion. It would be easier to follow if your key presses were shown on screen. I like the style of cgcookie ...

This is a suggestion. It would be easier to follow if your key presses were shown on screen. I like the style of cgcookie videos being short and sweet. I don't mind watching several times, and it's easy to find what you are looking for from the topic list. However, the menus and buttons are a bit small in the videos. Highlighting the cursor, zooming in at times, and showing the key presses would help.
  • Kent Trammell replied

    I appreciate the suggestion, Jan. One of the decisions we made with version 5.0 of the site was to stop displaying key presses. The mentality is two-fold.

    1) It forces us authors to discuss keypresses AND demonstrate where to find the tool in the menu. 2) Jonathan Williamson is leading the Blender dev team that’s updating the entire Blender Keymap. So he knows that the keys are going to change in the near future which will immediately make all key-press videos obsolete. So not displaying the keys is an effort to avoid this problem.

    It’s not a perfect solution and I admit that sometimes I forget to cover keypresses perfectly. My apologies for the inconvenience.