I know nothing about UV unwrapping. Immediate fail which doesn't bode well!
When I create the image texture it doesn't appear in the viewport. It also seems to be applied to 'circle.001' which I presume was what the pot was created from but now it's a mesh I don't understand it's purpose. If I delete it the whole pot deletes.
What I would totally totally totally suggest is you make a pit stop here and watch the fundamentals of texturing:
It's better to come back to it with that base knowledge, otherwise you run the risk of getting increasingly frustrated.
HI thehomme ,
Apart from Omar's solid advice, and to add to Dwayne's answer, the ('green triangle' Icon in the Outliner) Circle.001 is the Data of the Pot Object (and you haven't renamed it, so it is still called Circle.001). Materials are by default Linked to the Object's Data, but you can change that:
Thanks all. After smashing my head against the desk for a couple of hours I did manage to move forward ever so slightly and then hit another wall trying to follow the quads. Will do as Omar says, take a break here and do the texturing course