Hello fellas, I am trying to do a photorealistic Condor and I am having some troubles with the feathers, I am using 2D cards as instance in a hair system, but I can't get the cards to bend along the guide curves, it only considers the first point for the direction, but ignores the rest of the curve.
Is there a solution for this?
I bet you can use the old Piero course for it, the workflow hasn't changed much, unless I'm mistake, I think the hair system changed a while back? Either way, check and see:
It is a super finicky workflow and so many settings that you have to tweak to get the desired behavior and it will depend on each case by case basis since it depends on the rotation, origin point, normals, etc. on the objects on your scene.
Hey Martin, thanks for your answer, I've tried the particle instance modifier but to no good result, the card's mesh gets skewed or not the proper rotation, even tho I tried correcting it by changing the settings, and applying rotations to the instance, etc :C
The skewing should be fixed when using the Keep Shape option...the Rotation..I don't know, but I probably wouldn't Apply the Rotation of the Instances...It can be really finicky, but it should actually work...and it's the only way I know, unless you want to use Geometry Nodes (but I wouldn't know how to do it with GN...)
Oh yeah, I tried the Keep Shape and if I change the Axis for the Part.Instance then it kinda works, there are a few cards that are rebellious and won't follow that path, but I'll see what I can do about that!
Thank you guys :)
Yeah, the object is on the Y+, it is weird, depending on the direction of the guide grooming, it works fine, or it totally doesn't
I think this would be easier with geometry node, but I'm not totally sure. I'm still working on the assemble tutorial.