For the teeth, I did as the tutorial says, creating a circle, extruding and all. but I forgot to fill in the bottom which raised a question. I tried to use Remesh on the teeth and it messed up the entire mesh,
Do blender have an option like dynamesh on zbrush that closes the holes in the mesh? or to use mesh we have to go on modeling and make sure the mesh integrity is fine?
here is the mesh with a lower voxel size just to be easier to see the error
Of course, I went on modelling and closed the bottom and it worked fine. I was just wondering how sculpt mode deal with holes, and if there is any easy way to close it without having to go back and fix it manually.
I don't know if Blender has an operator that sees the mesh has a hole and fills it, I've never encountered a situation that I needed to pay attention to that. I would've thought remesh closed holes in the mesh, seems like it doesn't from what you say. I guess probably there are addons on the Blender Market that have taken this into account. Sculpt mode is fine with the mesh having a whole as far as I know, I've never had any problems with that when sculpting.
I just tried Quadriflow (ctrl+alt+R) and it closed it. but works wonky as mentioned in the course. lol well still better than closing anything by hand haha. I guess the mystery is solved.
If I remember correctly, in edit mode click mesh->clean up->fill holes