First, I really appreciate the awareness to call it "stubbornness bite back".
The good news: Everyone that transitions from any 3D app to another 3D app experiences this same pain. Literally everyone. Take heart that you're in good company!
13 years ago I was a 3D software nomad, taking pride in jumping from max to maya to zbrush to mudbox then finally to Blender. Haven't had to switch since.
The bad news: Omar is right about getting used to Blender's default UI. Though we have full control to change hotkeys as we please, the domino-ramifications to those changes cannot be predicted fully. As you're experiencing, anything not default will cause functionality issues at some point.
Thus the best advice is to embrace the temporary pain of hotkey/UI unfamiliarity for the long term benefit. Having used so many 3d apps myself (among a handful of video editors, photo-manipulation software, etc), trust me that the pain is very temporary and worth it; for all apps, not just blender.
yeah, I imagined you guys would tell me something along those lines, haha I will probably do that, thank you. :)
You can use the navigation Gizmo. It's perfect for pen tablets. The axis orbits. The color spheres on the axis is the view. Hand icon for panning. Magnifying glass icon for zooming. Camera icon for camera view.
Also you can assign one of the pens buttons to be middle mouse button. Left click/. Left drag should happen when you press the tip down.
I haven't watched this lesson yet (starting after work today), so pardon me if the tip is somewhere in it. But on the same Wacom tips topic:
Blender is my first 3D app so I have no problems with transitioning there, but I have terrible joints and tendons and recently picked up a wacom tablet to be a full time replacement to my mouse. So far I have found alternatives to everything I needed except one: proportional editing.
I have one of the pen's buttons as my middle mouse button but when I try to scroll to increase or decrease the proportional editing area it just doesn't work. Can't figure out why. I can't use page up or down because I have a smaller keyboard. I tried assigning a shortcut for the page up and down but somehow haven't worked it out either? Any tips on that?
Also, I'll take any insight on your "must haves" wacom shortcuts. I know it's very personal, but I learn a lot about workflows by trying some of those personal preferences.
Thanks for any input.
Can't wait to tackle the shark!!
I have never used a tablet to fully replace my mouse, so I wouldn't really know. Maybe there is a way to put proportional editing just like when you change the brush sizes? F and then make it larger or bigger? Maybe it would involve some Python scripting or just changing things around in the key assignments.
That would be the best way for sure! I'll do some digging, thank you!