Alt + lmb not working for edge loops: double click does

Just if someone else runs into this issue: for some reason (I don't know which) pressing Alt key and left mouse button does nothing in my Blender. Instead when I double click a vertex / edge / face in Edit mode I get the loop selection.

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    That's probably to do with your settings rather than a different version of Blender.
    Or it could be because of a tool selection mode or even an add-on changing default behaviour.

    It's hard to say exactly why without seeing it in Blender.

    If you still have this issue, could you record a video, or add some images, of your Blender, showing the toolbar, the Keymap preferences and any add-ons you have enabled, and the action itself.

    Video can be uploaded to google drive, dropbox or similar and share the link here
    Images can be added via the image icon on the content toolbar.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    It could also be the OS overriding some of the ALT+...  shortcuts. I've experienced that with some Linux distros for instance.

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Never heard of that behavior before, but now that I think about it it's blowing my mind, Blender has no double click functions and that's so computer basics. And somehow you double click and get loop selection? That is some October Halloween scary movie type of stuff. I'd try any of the solutions out just so you don't get accustomed to loop selecting like that and because it's freaky.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    I believe that double click for Loop Select was introduced at 2.80 or soon after, as an alternative to ALT Click, but I can't get it to work on my pc (I remember having used it in the past though...but memory can be deceiving.)

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Maybe @RedRay Visuals you are using an old version of Blender?

  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    You are using emulate 3 button mouse. When you check that it makes face/edge loop select double click. This has been in blender since 2.76b.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Ah, thank you Dwayne dillenbata3 ,

    (But that is only when also using Left Click Select. Because ALT+LMB becomes the MMB. If you use RCS, then Loop Select is ALT+RMB and that still works.)

    2 loves
  • Brett first(Bebop) replied

    I'm using 2.83 LTS and I can confirm that with "Emulate 3 Button Mouse" is turned on, double clicking Left Mouse Button = Loop Select.

    With "Emulate 3 Button Mouse" turned off, ALT+ Left button mouse = Loop Select