my new horror game objects


I apologize for my bad English, I am a high school student so I couldn't learn more :) I prepared a simple package for those who develop simple horror games. Since it was my first experience, I worked hard for more than 2 months. 217 objects come as a package. 





I want you to tell me what you see missing so that I can improve.

And if you want to get more info;
2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied
    Two months is hard work indeed, plus the number of objects you created is a lot. I guess you could say you can make a PlayStation 1 maybe PlayStation 2 level of game with them, just because how the textures looks, they are very chaotic at the moment. But it's amazing that being a beginner you were able to do so much, if I showed you what I could make after a year of learning Blender I'd be embarrassed. You can do a lot more set dressing with so many assets. Keep it up. 
  • Jake Evanse(chrysler322) replied
    Considering you are still in school, this is a very cool project.

    Keep up the good work! I am sure that in the near future you could create some amazing apps and games, like those from, which in my opinon are flawless. Keep going, young man!